Christopher Medina

Board Certification: Neurologist

Specialist Neurologist

Dr. Medina is from Las Cruces, New Mexico. He received a bachelor’s degree (B.A.) in Biology as well as a Doctor of Medicine degree (MD) from the University of New Mexico in Albuquerque, New Mexico. During that time, Dr. Medina was also a professional researcher in the fields of neuroimaging, Alzheimer’s disease, PTSD. He worked in the Department of Pathology at the University of New Mexico Health Science Center and the Beckman Institute at Caltech. 

Dr. Medina then completed a transitional in the department of internal medicine at Las Palmas Del Sol Healthcare in El Paso, Texas. After that, he completed a neurology residency at Nuvance Health in Poughkeepsie, New York.

Dr. Medina has a strong track record in academics. He has published multiple peer-reviewed journal articles including laboratory science, review articles, case reports, and a case series. He has spoken at multiple national conferences in the fields of neuroscience and medicine. He also received a teaching award in medical school and a research award in residency.
